Will this ever end? When will peace return? The answer is in the moments we find ourselves in. Some of these moments can last a second, while others can seem to last forever. When we find ourselves overtaken by something bigger than ourselves, I find it helpful to have laser focus on where I am in this moment. Even in the "crazy," we can connect with moments of peace, no matter how short they may be. These moments can keep us grounded and centered. They are woven together in the tapestry of our lives as we live them. I found this to be true during the latest turmoil at our nation's capital. The day this was happening, I was working on this painting. As news filled my ears of the events, my mind tried to make sense of what was going on, and I could feel the pulse of my heart and body quicken. My brush continued to glide over the canvas, rising, falling, curving, undulating, with the ebb and flow of the water I was painting. The fluid movement of the brushstrokes helped to bring me back to the here and now, to remain calm, focused, and to continually let go in the moment.
This was painted over the next couple of days. It was a lesson, a practice. It was a transmutation of energy, an alchemical recipe to allow the flow of events to unfold as they were unfolding.
This painting was sold as it rested on the easel drying. The wonderful collector who purchased the original shared with me that it reminded her that when there is "overwhelm in her life...to stop for a moment and breathe...to remember the beauty."
Words to live by.