Inspired by kayaking on the Wailua River on the island of Kauai, this river house was nestled in one of the many small channels off the main river. As I paddled further into the channel, I became surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colorful flowers reaching into the water. The still water took on an almost animated quality, with each small breeze breathing life to it’s surface, causing the reflections to stir and dance. The palms fronds above moved and whirled, their plastic feathers rustling against one another. When I stopped long enough, I could pick out individual sounds, a few at first, then the more I listened, the more individual sounds I heard, until they sang together in a symphony of music. It reminded me that in life, wherever we are, by noticing each individual sound, we can begin to notice the silence between the sounds, until the silence is as prominent as the sounds, thus we invite the Awareness of this moment more fully into our lives.
It was a pretty idyllic island scene, and I felt lucky to be there. I secured my paddle to the side of my kayak, relaxed my back rest, and laid back floating in paradise taking in the sounds of Hawaii.